
The Successor to RSS is Git Clone

by Breck Yunits

September 2, 2024 โ€” Today on HackerNews Kevin Damm had a great idea: put a <link> tag on blogs to point to the git Source Code Repository, much as blogs today have <link> tags pointing to their RSS feeds.

I've added this feature to Scroll and it's live now. If you View Source of this page, you'll see:

<link rel="source" type="application/git" title="Source Code Repository" href="https://github.com/breck7/scroll"> <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="The Official Scroll Blog" href="feed.xml">

Client applications can start looking for and taking advantage of these tags.


RSS was great, but it's no match for Git Clone

Git clone solves a million problems.

You get a copy of the entire works of your favorite authors that is blazing fast, works offline, is searchable, transformable, censorship resistant, auditable, more trustworthy, ad free, tracker free, et cetera.

There is no comparison to the old ways of doing things.


What do you think?

Have you already been doing this? Are there ways we can make it better? Would love to hear your feedback!
