Introducing the Blink Tag

by Breck Yunits

October 2, 2022

October 2, 2022 — Scroll's new blink tag lets you call attention to something important

I am really happy with the current state of Scroll and so grateful for the many people who have helped us get it to this point. That being said, I had a feeling we were missing something important.


So I invented something simple and completely novel

Introducing the blink tag. When you have something important to say and you want to interupt people's lives, use the blink tag. It's as easy as this:

blink This blinks

Advertisers have known for ages that human eyes evolved to respond fast to motion. Now, using my new invention, the blink tag, you can bring this innovation from advertising to your products and websites.

The blink tag, available now in Scroll 34.1.0

Note: please don't use this. It's a joke