
Scroll LeetSheet

Scroll builds blogs, websites, knowledge bases, and more. Scroll is composed of parsers, which you can create. The standard parsers are below. Scroll files end in .scroll.

- A list item.
--- A horizontal rule.
! A counterpoint. Prints nothing.
? A question.
[] A task todo.
[x] A completed task.
* A paragraph.
*** A dinkus. Breaks section.
**** End of post dinkus.
// A comment. Prints nothing.
# An html h1 tag.
## An html h2 tag.
### An html h3 tag.
#### An html h4 tag.
##### An html h5 tag.
> A quote.
aboveAsCode Print code above.
assertHtmlEquals Test above particle's output.
authors Set author(s) name(s).
baseUrl Required for RSS and OpenGraph.
belowAsCode Print code below.
belowAsCodeUntil Print code above until match.
blankLineParser Print nothing. Break section.
blink Just for fun.
br A break.
buildConcepts Write concepts to csv+ files.
buildCss Compile to CSS file.
buildCsv Compile to CSV file.
buildHtml Compile to HTML file.
buildJs Compile to JS file.
buildMeasures Write measures to csv+ files.
buildPdf Compile to PDF file.
buildRss Write RSS file.
buildTxt Compile to TXT file.
button A button.
canonicalUrl Override canonical URL.
caption An image caption.
catchAllParagraph A paragraph.
center A centered section.
chat A faux text chat conversation.
classicForm Generate input form for ScrollSet.
code A code block.
codeWithHeader A code block.
comment Prints nothing.
copyButtons Copy code widget.
counter Just for fun.
css A style tag.
dashboard Key stats in large font.
date Set published date.
description Meta tag description.
dinkus A custom dinkus.
downloadButton Link to download/WWS page.
email Set email address for site contact.
emailButton Email button.
endColumns End columns.
endSnippet Cut for snippet here.
expander An collapsible HTML details tag.
fetch Download URL to disk.
gazetteCss Default Scroll theme CSS.
heatrix A heatmap matrix data visualization.
heatrixAdvanced Advanced heatrix.
helpfulNotFound Helpful not found widget.
homeButton Home button.
html HTML one liners or blocks.
htmlInlineParser Inline HTML.
htmlLang Override HTML lang attribute.
image An img tag.
import Import a file.
importOnly Don't build this file.
inlineMarkups Set global inline markups.
katex KaTex widget for typeset math.
keyboardNav Make left and right navigate files.
leftRightButtons Previous and next nav buttons.
loadConcepts Import all concepts in a folder.
loop Iterate over files+ to make HTML.
loremIpsum Generate dummy text.
map Map widget.
mediumColumn A medium column section.
mediumColumns Medium width columns.
metaTags Print meta tags including title.
music Play sound files.
nickelbackIpsum Generate dummy text.
openGraphImage Override Open Graph Image.
permalink Override output filename.
plainText Plain text oneliner or block.
plainTextOnly Only print for buildTxt.
printAuthors Prints author(s) byline.
printCsv Print group metadata to CSV.
printDate Print published date.
printFeed Print group to RSS.
printFormatLinks Prints links to other formats.
printFullSnippets Print full pages in group(s).
printparsersLeetSheet Parsers leetsheet.
printRelated Print links to related posts.
printScrollLeetSheet Print Scroll parser leet sheet.
printSearchTable Prints files to HTML table.
printSiteMap Print text sitemap.
printSnippets Prints snippets matching tag(s).
printSource Print source for files in group(s).
printSourceStack Print compilation steps.
printTable Print table.
printTitle Print title.
printUsageStats Parser usage stats for folder.
quote A quote.
redirectTo HTML redirect tag.
replace Replace this with that.
replaceJs Replace this with evaled JS.
replaceNodejs Replace with evaled Node.JS.
rssFeedUrl Set RSS feed URL.
scatterplot Scatterplot Widget.
script Print script tag.
scrollForm Generate a Scroll Form.
scrollVersionLink Print Scroll version.
slideshow Slideshow widget. *** delimits slides.
sparkline Sparkline widget.
stamp Expand project template to disk.
stump Compile Stump to HTML.
stumpNoSnippet Compile Stump unless snippet.
table A table.
tableSearch Table search and sort widget.
tags Set tags.
testStrict Make catchAllParagraphParser = error.
thanksTo Acknowledge reviewers. Prints nothing.
thinColumn A thin column section.
thinColumns Thin columns.
title Set title.
tufteCss Theme from Tufte CSS.
video Play video files.
viewSourceBaseUrl Override source link baseUrl.
viewSourceButton Print badge top right.
viewSourceLink Print "View source" link.
viewSourceUrl Override source link.
wideColumn A wide column section.
wideColumns Wide columns.
youtube A YouTube video widget.

Commonly used parsers are bolded. CSV version.

Links - ScrollHubTry Scrollr/WorldWideScrollParsers LeetSheetParticles LeetSheet

Parser usage rankings

A rough estimate of the parser usage in Scroll. Not all parsers have stats available yet.

id popularity
blankLineParser 30815
catchAllParagraph 11557
importOnly 3357
# 1792
- 1433
viewSourceButton 1397
*** 1083
stumpNoSnippet 1018
baseUrl 919
rssFeedUrl 885
viewSourceBaseUrl 784
endColumns 779
metaTags 770
buildHtml 765
buildTxt 760
printTitle 758
title 753
import 753
keyboardNav 748
authors 738
css 722
tags 681
date 668
center 642
classicForm 640
homeButton 640
scrollForm 640
leftRightButtons 635
downloadButton 630
emailButton 630
scrollVersionLink 630
image 591
htmlInlineParser 579
**** 574
// 565
## 526
endSnippet 430
? 425
thinColumns 369
mediumColumn 338
mediumColumns 338
thinColumn 338
wideColumn 338
caption 321
code 193
* 189
description 169
printAuthors 167
katex 160
copyButtons 148
quote 148
gazetteCss 138
email 131
viewSourceLink 121
printRelated 119
table 114
### 109
printTable 109
openGraphImage 80
belowAsCode 66
belowAsCodeUntil 66
> 49
aboveAsCode 49
printDate 44
wideColumns 39
--- 37
chat 37
printSnippets 34
#### 29
permalink 27
! 20
[] 20
comment 20
codeWithHeader 17
dashboard 15
youtube 13
br 10
buildCsv 10
buildPdf 10
printUsageStats 10
[x] 8
expander 8
plainTextOnly 8
printSiteMap 8
redirectTo 8
tableSearch 8
buildCss 5
buildRss 5
heatrixAdvanced 5
helpfulNotFound 5
html 5
printFeed 5
printFullSnippets 5
buildConcepts 3
buildMeasures 3
inlineMarkups 3
loop 3
music 3
printCsv 3
printparsersLeetSheet 3
printScrollLeetSheet 3
printSearchTable 3
printSource 3
sparkline 3
tufteCss 3
video 3

Built with Scroll v133.0.1