! Counterpoint comment. Prints nothing.
*** A dinkus. Breaks section.
// A comment. Prints nothing.
aboveAsHtml Displays html output of previous particle in a code block.
assert Test above particle's output.
baseUrl Required for RSS and OpenGraph.
belowAsHtml Displays html output of next particle in a code block.
chat A faux text chat conversation.
cloc Output results of cloc as table.
color Quickly set CSS font-color.
counter Visualize the speed of something.
disk Output file into as datatable.
email Set email address for site contact.
evalJs Replace this with evaled JS.
expander An collapsible HTML details tag.
fetch Download URL to disk.
fileNav Titles and links in group(s).
font Quickly set font family.
heatrix A heatmap matrix data visualization.
html HTML one liners or blocks.
iris Iris dataset from R.A. Fisher.
katex KaTex widget for typeset math.
metaTags Print meta tags including title.
modal A modal dialog overlay.
notices Display messages in URL query parameters.
posts Posts as datatable.
prism A code block with syntax highlighting.
qrcode Make a QR code from a link.
run Run script and dump stdout.
slideshow Slideshow widget. *** delimits slides.
stamp Expand project template to disk.
styles Write CSS with Particle Syntax.
thanksTo Acknowledgements comment. Prints nothing.
theme A collection of simple themes.
toFooter Experimental way to move a section to the footer.
toStamp Print a directory to stamp with configurable filters.