
Scroll LeetSheet

Scroll builds blogs, websites, knowledge bases, and more. Scroll is composed of parsers, which you can create. The standard parsers are below. Scroll files end in .scroll.

- A list item.
--- A horizontal rule.
! Counterpoint comment. Prints nothing.
? A question.
[] A task todo.
[x] A completed task.
* A paragraph.
*** A dinkus. Breaks section.
**** End of post dinkus.
// A comment. Prints nothing.
# An html h1 tag.
## An html h2 tag.
### An html h3 tag.
#### An html h4 tag.
##### An html h5 tag.
> A quote.
a HTML a tag.
aboveAsCode Print code above.
aboveAsHtml Displays html output of previous particle in a code block.
article HTML article tag.
assertBuildIncludes Test above particle's output.
assertHtmlEquals Test above particle's output.
assertHtmlExcludes Test above particle's output.
assertHtmlIncludes Test above particle's output.
assertIgnoreBelowErrors If you want to ignore any errors in the below particle in automated tests.
authors Set author(s) name(s).
background Quickly set CSS background.
barchart Bar chart widget.
baseUrl Required for RSS and OpenGraph.
belowAsCode Print code below.
belowAsCodeUntil Print code above until match.
belowAsHtml Displays html output of next particle in a code block.
blankLineParser Print nothing. Break section.
blink Just for fun.
br A break.
buildConcepts Compile concepts to delimited files.
buildCss Compile to CSS file.
buildCsv Compile to CSV file.
buildHtml Compile to HTML file.
buildJs Compile to JS file.
buildJson Compile to JSON file.
buildMeasures Compile measures to delimited files.
buildParsers Compile to Parsers file.
buildPdf Compile to PDF file.
buildRss Compile to RSS file.
buildTsv Compile to TSV file.
buildTxt Compile to TXT file.
button HTML button tag.
canonicalUrl Override canonical URL.
caption An image caption.
catchAllParagraph A paragraph.
center A centered section.
chat A faux text chat conversation.
classicForm Generate input form for ScrollSet.
clearStack Clear body stack.
cloc Output results of cloc as table.
code A code block.
codeFromFile A code block.
codeWithHeader A code block.
color Quickly set CSS font-color.
comment Prints nothing.
concepts Load concepts as table.
container A centered HTML div.
copyButtons Copy code widget.
counter Visualize the speed of something.
css A style tag.
dashboard Key stats in large font.
date Set published date.
debugAbove Inspect particle above.
debugAll Inspect entire document.
debugBelow Inspect particle below.
debugParsers Print the parsers used.
debugSourceStack Print compilation steps.
dependencies Get files this file depends on.
description Description for SEO meta tag.
dinkus A custom dinkus.
disk Output file into as table.
div HTML div tag.
downloadButton Link to download/WWS page.
editBaseUrl Override edit link baseUrl.
editButton Print badge top right.
editLink Print "Edit" link.
editUrl Override edit link.
email Set email address for site contact.
emailButton Email button.
endColumns End columns.
endSnippet Cut for snippet here.
expander An collapsible HTML details tag.
favicon Favicon file.
fetch Download URL to disk.
fileNav Titles and links in group(s).
font Quickly set font family.
footer HTML footer tag.
form HTML form tag.
h1 HTML h1 tag.
h2 HTML h2 tag.
h3 HTML h3 tag.
h4 HTML h4 tag.
hakon Compile Hakon to CSS.
header HTML header tag.
heatrix A heatmap matrix data visualization.
heatrixAdvanced Advanced heatrix.
helpfulNotFound Helpful not found widget.
homeButton Home button.
html HTML one liners or blocks.
htmlInlineParser Inline HTML.
htmlLang Override HTML lang attribute.
iframes An iframe(s).
image An img tag.
img HTML img tag.
import Import a file.
importOnly Don't build this file.
inlineCss Inline CSS from files.
inlineJs Inline JS from files.
inlineMarkups Set global inline markups.
input HTML input tag.
iris Iris dataset from R.A. Fisher.
jsonScript Include JSON and assign to window.
katex KaTex widget for typeset math.
keyboardNav Make left and right navigate files.
keywords Keywords for SEO meta tag.
label HTML label tag.
leftRightButtons Previous and next nav buttons.
li HTML li tag.
linechart Line chart widget.
linkTitle Text for links.
loadConcepts Import all concepts in a folder.
loremIpsum Generate dummy text.
main HTML main tag.
map Map widget.
mediumColumn A medium column section.
mediumColumns Medium width columns.
metaTags Print meta tags including title.
modal A modal dialog overlay.
music Play sound files.
nav HTML nav tag.
nickelbackIpsum Generate dummy text.
notices Display messages in URL query parameters.
ol HTML ol tag.
openGraphImage Override Open Graph Image.
option HTML option tag.
p A paragraph.
permalink Override output filename.
plainText Plain text oneliner or block.
plainTextOnly Only print for buildTxt.
posts Posts as table.
postsMeta Post meta as table.
pre HTML pre tag.
printAuthors Prints author(s) byline.
printColumn Print one column
printDate Print published date.
printFeed Print group to RSS.
printFormatLinks Prints links to other formats.
printFullSnippets Print full pages in group(s).
printRelated Print links to related posts.
printShortSnippets Titles and descriptions in group(s).
printSiteMap Print text sitemap.
printSnippets Prints snippets matching tag(s).
printSource Print source for files in group(s).
printTable Print table.
printTitle Print title.
printUsageStats Parser usage stats for folder.
qrcode Make a QR code from a link.
quote A quote.
redirectTo HTML redirect tag.
replace Replace this with that.
replaceJs Replace this with evaled JS.
replaceNodejs Replace with evaled Node.JS.
rssFeedUrl Set RSS feed URL.
run Run script and dump stdout.
sampleData Sample dataset from Vega.
scatterplot Scatterplot Widget.
script Print script tag.
scrollButton A button.
scrollForm Generate a Scroll Form.
scrollVersionLink Print Scroll version.
section HTML section tag.
select HTML select tag.
slideshow Slideshow widget. *** delimits slides.
span HTML span tag.
sparkline Sparkline widget.
stamp Expand project template to disk.
stopwatch A stopwatch.
stump Compile Stump to HTML.
stumpNoSnippet Compile Stump unless snippet.
table A datatable.
tableSearch Table search and sort widget.
tags Set tags.
testStrict Make catchAllParagraphParser = error.
textarea HTML textarea tag.
thanksTo Acknowledgements comment. Prints nothing.
theme A collection of simple themes.
theScrollButton WWS button.
thinColumn A thin column section.
thinColumns Thin columns.
title Set title.
toFooter Experimental way to move a section to the footer.
toStamp Print a directory to stamp.
ul HTML ul tag.
video Play video files.
wideColumn A wide column section.
wideColumns Wide columns.
youtube A YouTube video widget.

Commonly used parsers are bolded. CSV version.

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Parser usage rankings

A rough estimate of the parser usage in Scroll. Not all parsers have stats available yet.

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Built with Scroll v167.5.0