
Changes: A Microlang for Change Logs

by Breck Yunits

July 1, 2024 โ€” Regardless of what languages you write your programs in, you probably maintain files like changeLog.txt or releaseNotes.txt.

Change logs are very helpful for:

What if there was 1 language that let you do all 3 things at once?


Introducing Changes, a microlang (only 70 lines of code, including comments) that makes it as concise as possible to write, read and analyze change logs.

Changes generates a pretty HTML file for your end users; allows for including unlimited detailed technical information for your developers; and generates summary statistics as TSV, CSV, and JSON for your project managers.


There's almost nothing to learn (the code is self explanatory).

In fact, it's almost guaranteed that using Changes you will need to write less (we've taken every unnecessary character out).



We use Changes for the Scroll Release Notes.

Be sure to check out the source code that generates that HTML.


How to use

  1. Install Scroll
npm install -g scroll-cli
  1. Create a release notes file:
title My Release Notes printTitle buildConcepts releaseNotes.csv releaseNotes.json releaseNotes.tsv // You can import the changes parsers or just copy/paste the 70 lines into your own file. [pathToScroll]/microlangs/changes.parser thinColumns ๐Ÿ“ฆ 0.1.1 7/1/2024 ๐Ÿฅ fixed bug in command line app ๐Ÿ“ฆ 0.1.0 7/1/2024 ๐ŸŽ‰ added command line app endColumns
  1. Run scroll build

Done! You should now see a releaseNotes.html file as well as a TSV, CSV, and JSON file.


What do you think? Anything that should be added/removed/improved?



Built with Scroll v130.1.1