Scroll builds text files ======================== by Breck Yunits Breck Yunits HTML | TXT link textFiles.html HTML link textFiles.txt TXT April 29, 2024 Scroll is a new language for building HTML and CSV files that powers blogs, websites and knowledge bases. knowledge bases Scroll * I often need plain text outputs in addition to HTML files. I used to make those plain text versions copying and pasting text by hand. Now Scroll has plain text output built-in. * How do I tell Scroll to build plain text files? =============================================== Add a single line: `buildTxt` ```example.scroll buildTxt Hello world. ``` `scroll build` will create `example.txt`. Done! * You may want to put `buildTxt` into `header.scroll` or `footer.scroll` to build text files for many pages at once. * I've *loved* this new feature in Scroll. Plain text is a *timeless* way to read, review, and share your thoughts! Hope you enjoy it as much as I have! ⁂ Built with Scroll v161.0.4